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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 700
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Thursday, August 13, 2015 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Biopharmaceutical Section
Abstract #316223 View Presentation
Title: Patient-Specific Meta-Analysis with Application to a Genomic Prostate Cancer Diagnostic
Author(s): Michael Crager* and Nan Zhang and Tara Maddala
Companies: Genomic Health, Inc. and Genomic Health, Inc. and Genomic Health, Inc.
Keywords: meta-analysis ; prediction ; cancer diagnostics

Patient-specific meta-analysis (PSMA, Crager and Tang, J. Appl. Stat. 2014) assesses prognosis or prediction of a clinical event for an individual patient using multiple studies. The method makes predictions for a patient by combining prediction-related estimates for the patient from each study, with weighting based on estimate precision. Fixed effects PSMA combines estimates from studies using inverse variance weighting. Random effects PSMA treats between-study differences as random. Both methods produce point estimates and confidence intervals. Simulation studies suggest the random effects model gives valid confidence intervals with 6 or more studies. The method can be used with proportional hazards regression, logistic regression, and linear models of continuous numeric outcome. An example application combines information from 2 validation studies of a prostate cancer diagnostic for assessing the probability of adverse pathology using a 17-gene genomic assay of biopsy tissue. PSMA estimates are more precise and reflect the body of evidence collected across these studies, resulting in better discrimination between aggressive and indolent disease.

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