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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 239
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, August 10, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #316097 View Presentation
Title: Generalizing the Network Scale-Up Method: A New Estimator for the Size of Hidden Populations
Author(s): Dennis M. Feehan* and Matthew J. Salganik
Companies: Princeton University and Princeton University
Keywords: social networks ; hidden populations ; network scale-up ; aggregate relational data

The network scale-up method enables researchers to estimate the size of hidden populations, such as drug injectors and sex workers, using sampled social network data. It offers advantages over other size estimation techniques, but the basic scale-up estimator depends on problematic modeling assumptions. We propose a new generalized scale-up estimator that does not suffer from these problems. The new estimator can be used in settings with non-random social mixing and imperfect awareness about membership in the hidden population. Further, the new estimator can be used when data are collected via complex sample designs and from incomplete sampling frames. However, the generalized scale-up estimator also requires data from two samples: one from the frame population and one from the hidden population. In some situations these data from the hidden population can be collected by adding a small number of questions to already planned studies. For other situations, we develop interpretable adjustment factors that can be applied to the basic scale-up estimator. We conclude with practical recommendations for the design and analysis of future studies.

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