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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 607
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Section on Nonparametric Statistics
Abstract #315987
Title: Confidence Regions for Level Differences in Growth Curve Models: Low- and High-Dimensional Under Non-Normality
Author(s): Solomon Harrar* and Jin Xu
Companies: University of Kentucky and East China Normal University
Keywords: Asymptotic Expansion ; Bartlett's Correction ; Characteristic Function ; Profile Analysis ; Repeated Measures ; Wald's Criteria

In a pre-post or other kind of repeated measures study, it is sometimes clear that the mean profiles of the repeated measures are parallel across treatment groups. When for example, it can be assumed that there is no interaction between the repeated measure factor and the treatment, it would be of interest to know how much of a difference exists in the effect of the treatments. Such differences in the absence of interaction are referred to as level differences. In this paper, we consider methods for constructing confidence regions for level differences in the multi-dimensional cases. We derive asymptotic expansions for some intuitively appealing pivotal quantities to construct the confidence regions corrected up to the second order. Such corrections are shown in the multivariate literature to improve the accuracy of asymptotic approximations. We evaluate the finite sample performance of the confidence regions via a simulation study. Real-data example from forestry is used to provide an empirical illustration of the features of the various confidence regions proposed in the paper.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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