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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 78
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Sunday, August 9, 2015 : 4:00 PM to 5:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #315955 View Presentation
Title: Combining Time Series and Cross-Sectional Data for the Current Employment Statistics Estimates
Author(s): Julie Gershunskaya*
Companies: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Keywords: small area estimation ; Fay-Herriot model ; Current Employment Statistics Survey

Estimates from the Current Employment Statistics (CES) Survey are produced based on the data collected each month from the sample of businesses that is updated once a year. In some estimation cells, where the sample is not large enough, the Fay-Herriot model is used to improve the estimates. Under the current approach, the model combines information from a set of areas and is estimated independently every month. Given the design of the survey, it may be beneficial to borrow information not only cross-sectionally but also over time. This paper explores the feasibility of applying such a model. The results are evaluated based on historical "true" employment data available on a lagged basis.

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