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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 600
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: IMS
Abstract #315781
Title: False Discovery Rate Control for Sequential Hypothesis Testing
Author(s): Ang Li* and Rina Foygel Barber
Companies: The University of Chicago and The University of Chicago
Keywords: false discovery rate ; sequential hypothesis testing ; accumulation test ; power ; multiple testing

We consider the multiple testing problem on a ranked list of hypotheses, where rank is based on prior information, e.g. from an earlier study under different experimental conditions. The aim is to select a data-dependent cutoff k and declare the first k hypotheses to be statistically significant while bounding the false discovery rate (FDR). Generalizing several existing methods, we develop a family of "accumulation tests" to choose a cutoff k that adapts to the amount of signal at the top of the ranked list. Each test is characterized by an "accumulation function" that uses the first k p-values to estimate the FDR among the top k ranked hypotheses. We prove control of a modified FDR for finite samples, and the exact FDR asymptotically. We also prove that using a simple step function yields nearly optimal power against a broad class of alternate hypotheses. These results are validated by simulations. We apply the tests to data on differential gene expression over a dosage gradient (using high dosage data as prior information, we gain power at low dosage), and to the problem of high-dimensional model selection (via recent results that compute a sequence of p-values for the LASSO).

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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