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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 477
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Section on Statistics in Epidemiology
Abstract #315504
Title: Bayesian Approach for Addressing Differential Covariate Measurement Error in Propensity Score Methods
Author(s): Hwanhee Hong* and Kara Rudolph and Elizabeth Stuart
Companies: and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Keywords: measurement error ; propensity score ; causal inference ; Bayesian

Propensity score methods are an important tool to help reduce confounding in non-experimental study and produce accurate causal effect estimates. Most propensity score methods assume that covariates are measured without error. However, covariates are often measured with error. Recent work has shown that ignoring such error could lead to bias in treatment effect estimates. In this talk, we consider non-experimental settings where an important covariate is measured differently in the treatment and control groups, leading to differential measurement error in the two groups. We propose a flexible Bayesian approach for assessing sensitivity to differential measurement error when using propensity score methods, and evaluate its performance using simulation studies. We consider three scenarios: systematic (i.e., a location shift), heteroscedastic (i.e., different variances), and both systematic and heteroscedastic measurement error. We also explore various prior choices (i.e., point mass or weakly-informative prior) on the sensitivity parameter related to the differential measurement error. Since this type of data usually includes little information on the true values of mismeasured cova

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