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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 3
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Sunday, August 9, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Biometrics Section
Abstract #314669 View Presentation
Title: Semi-Markov Models for Interval-Censored Transient Cognitive States with Backward Transition and Unknown Initial Time
Author(s): Shaoceng Wei and Richard J. Kryscio*
Companies: University of Kentucky and University of Kentucky
Keywords: Interval Censoring ; semi-Markov ; Panel Data ; Backward Transition

Continuous-time multi-state stochastic processes are useful for modeling the flow of subjects from intact cognition to dementia with mild cognitive impairment and global impairment as intervening transient, cognitive states and death as a competing risk (Figure 1). Each subject's cognition is assessed periodically resulting in interval censoring for the cognitive states while death without dementia is not interval censored. We apply a Semi-Markov process in which we assume that the waiting times are Weibull distributed except for transitions from the baseline state, which are exponentially distributed and in which we assume no additional changes in cognition occur between two assessments. We implement a quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) method to calculate the higher order integration needed for likelihood estimation. We apply our model to a real dataset, the Nun Study, a cohort of 461 participants.

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