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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 332
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistics and the Environment
Abstract #314420 View Presentation
Title: Modeling and Clustering Time Series Pairs: Evaluating Temperature Patterns in Southeastern U.S. Brook Trout Streams
Author(s): Eric P. Smith* and Xinwei Deng and Han P. Li
Companies: Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech
Keywords: time series ; clustering ; temperature ; climate change ; time varying coefficient modells ; spatial correlation

Stream temperature is a critical factor for aquatic species such as brook trout. To study potential changes in stream temperature associated with changes in air temperature, paired air-water sensors were placed in streams in southeastern U.S. and resulted in measurements every 30 minutes over a year. To model the data, a time-varying coefficient model is used to quantify the air-water temperature relationship. The method performs better than other approaches in describing the relationship and how it varies over time. A novel clustering method for bivariate functional data is proposed to group streams based on their water-air temperature relationship that will aid in regional management. A distance measure is developed for bivariate curves by using a time-varying coefficient model and a weighting scheme. This distance is also adjusted by spatial correlation of streams via the variogram. The proposed clustering method is applied to 62 brook trout streams in southeastern US.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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