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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 109
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Monday, August 10, 2015 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: IMS
Abstract #314328 View Presentation
Title: Extending Effects on the Untreated and Mediated Effects from Point Treatment to Longitudinal Settings
Author(s): Ilya Shpitser*
Companies: University of Southampton
Keywords: causal inference ; mediation analysis ; graphical models ; longitudinal studies ; direct effect ; counterfactuals

Analyzing effects of an HIV drug administered over time, versus effects of patient adherence, is a longitudinal mediation problem. Mediated effects have generally been considered for point treatments only, and there exist well-known obstacles to identifying these effects in longitudinal settings, even in observational studies with no hidden variables. We give a framework which unifies mediated effects, and effects on the untreated in this setting, in terms of a hierarchy of interventions associated with graphical features (nodes, edges, and paths). We show a natural correspondence between this hierarchy, and the causal models FFRCISTG of Robins, and NPSEM-IE of Pearl. Finally, we show a correspondence between some total effects with hidden causes of treatments, and mediated effects, and show that certain types of longitudinal mediated effects are identified under the NPSEM-IE, even when some types of unobserved confounding is present. We show how our results can be used to resolve policy questions in the HIV setting.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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