JSM 2015 Online Program

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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 223
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Monday, August 10, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Abstract #314202 View Presentation
Title: Biostatistics Primer: Online E-Modules for Health Professionals
Author(s): Kendra K. Schmid*
Companies: University of Nebraska Medical Center
Keywords: e-learning ; flipped class ; health sciences ; biostatistics

Biostatistics concepts are important topics for future health professionals and researchers that are often lacking in health professions curricula, biomedical graduate programs, and post-graduate training programs (i.e. residencies and fellowship programs). Curricula for these programs are already full without room to add additional courses, although the importance of understanding biostatistics concepts is recognized. This presentation describes the development of five e-modules introducing common concepts in biostatistics. (1) Summarizing Data (2) Study Design (3) Variability (4) Risk (5) Statistical Inference Basics. These topics were selected based on their wide applicability to programs. Each e-module is able to be used with a flipped classroom, where the specific classroom activity or discussion topic is determined by the subject matter faculty member. This series of modules can be used in whole or in part during a semester course or as additional training not included as part of a formal course. The modules contain biostatistical concepts, examples and built in assessment, along with demonstrations and links for interactive tools and practice questions to reinforce concepts.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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