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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 123
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, August 4, 2014 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Section on Statistics in Epidemiology
Abstract #311612
Title: Job Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Medical Health Care Professionals
Author(s): Abdul Salam*+ and Munir Abu-Helalah and Khalid Niaz and Abu Elgasim Awad Mohamed Mansour and Ali Ahmed Qarni
Companies: KAIMRC and KAIMRC and NGHA and KAIMRC and KAIMRC
Keywords: Stress ; Satisfaction ; prevalence ; association

The objective of the study is to measure the prevalence of job stress and job satisfaction and identify significant factors associated with stress among healthcare professionals working at NGHA. The study design is a multi-center cross-sectional survey, where self-reported questionnaire was mailed to randomly selected healthcare professional and follow up was done three times within two week interval till the required sample size of 620 was achieved. A total of six hundred and twenty six (54%) completed the survey, comprising of physicians, residents, nurses, and radiologists with 139 (22.2%), 32 (5.1%), 429 (68.5%), and 26 (4.2%) respectively. 19.5% of the samples were Saudis and the rest were foreign workers from wide range of nationalities. Survey results shows that the overall prevalence of job stress and job satisfaction were 412 (66.2%) and 604 (97.0%) respectively. Multivariate logistic regression model identified significant independent factors that are associated with job stress. Study shows that current workplace environment has a negative impact on stress level and identified some potential factors of high stress level.

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