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Legend: Palais des congrès de Montréal = CC, Le Westin Montréal = W, Intercontinental Montréal = I
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Activity Details

499 Wed, 8/7/2013, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-516c
Statistical Challenges with Measurement, Complex Design, and Missing Data, Part 1 — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section , Biometrics Section , Section on Statistics in Epidemiology , Korean International Statistical Society
Chair(s): Roger Tourangeau, Westat
8:35 AM Efficient Estimation of Partially Observed Clustered Data Using Multiple Imputation Kathryn Aloisio, Smith College ; Nicholas J. Horton, Smith College ; Sonja Swanson, Private ; Alison E. Field, Boston Children's Hospital ; Nadia Micali, UCL Institute of Child Health
8:45 AM Comparison of Weighting Approaches for Longitudinal Data with Time-Dependent Cluster Sizes Matthew Stephenson, University of Guelph ; Ayesha Ali, University of Guelph ; Gerarda Darlington, University of Guelph
8:50 AM Imputation of Family Income and Maximal Utilization of Auxiliary Data: A Case Study of the 2012 Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey (OMAS) Jamie Ridenhour, RTI International ; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International ; Caroline Blanton, RTI International ; G. Lance Couzens, RTI International ; Timothy Sahr, Ohio Colleges of Medicine, Government Resource Center, Ohio State University ; Bo Lu, The Ohio State University ; Amy Ferketich, Ohio State University
8:55 AM Applications of Survey Regression Models to Estimate the Degree of Data Agreement Julia Soulakova, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Peng Zhao, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
9:00 AM Projected Variance for the Model-Based Classical Ratio Estimator: Estimating Sample Size Requirements James Knaub, US Energy Information Administration
9:05 AM Bayesian Nonparametric Finite Population Inference Yajuan Si, Columbia University ; Natesh S. Pillai, Harvard University ; Andrew Gelman, Columbia University
9:10 AM Estimating Prices from a Natural Gas Monthly Survey Samson Adeshiyan, US Energy Information Administration
9:15 AM Analysis of Large Survey Data Sets Using Dynamically Generated SQL Thomas Lumley, University of Auckland
9:25 AM Hot Deck Imputation of Nonignorable Missing Data with Sensitivity Analysis Danielle Sullivan, The Ohio State University ; Rebecca Roberts Andridge, The Ohio State University College of Public Health
9:30 AM Reliability and Stability of the Six-Question Disability Measure in the Survey of Income and Program Participation Matthew Brault, US Census Bureau
9:35 AM Response Rates Revisited Barbara Lepidus Carlson, Mathematica Policy Research
9:40 AM Understanding Egypt's Telephone Owning Population David Peng, D3 Systems ; David Rae, D3 Systems ; Samuel Solomon, D3 Systems
9:45 AM New Computer-Based Training for National Center for Education Statistics Complex Survey Data Sets Andrew A. White, National Center for Education Statistics
9:50 AM Modeling Smoking and Heaping Patterns in Self-Reported Cigarette Numbers by a Finite Mixture Approach Henry Yeh, University of Kansas Medical Center ; Byron Gajewski, Univ of Kansas-Medical Center ; Won S. Choi, Univ of Kansas Medical Center, Dept. of Preventive Medicine and Public Health ; Christine M. Daley, Univ of Kansas Medical Center, Dept. of Family Medicine
9:55 AM Using the Constrained Ordinal Models for Likert-Based Outcomes Ana W. Capuano, Rush University Medical Center ; R. William Field, The University of Iowa ; Marizen R. Ramirez, The University of Iowa ; Jeffrey D. Dawson, The University of Iowa

2013 JSM Online Program Home

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