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Legend: Palais des congrès de Montréal = CC, Le Westin Montréal = W, Intercontinental Montréal = I
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Activity Details

65 * Sun, 8/4/2013, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-516d
Advances in Statistics for Brain Imaging — Topic Contributed Papers
SSC , Section on Statistics in Imaging , Mental Health Statistics Section , Statistical Learning and Data Mining Section
Organizer(s): Timothy Johnson, Univ of Michigan, Farouk S. Nathoo, University of Victoria
Chair(s): Charmaine Dean, University of Western Ontario
4:05 PM A Spatial GLMM and the Estimation of Spatially Varying Coefficients with Application to Multiple Sclerosis MRI Data Timothy Johnson, Univ of Michigan ; Thomas Nichols, University of Warwick ; Tian Ge, University of Warwick
4:25 PM Functional Data Analysis for fMRI Martin Lindquist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
4:45 PM Variational Bayes Spatial Analysis of Combined MEG, EEG, and fMRI Data Farouk S. Nathoo, University of Victoria ; Arif Babul, Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria ; Alexander Moiseev, Down Syndrome Research Foundation ; Naznin Virji-Babul, Physical Therapy, British Columbia ; Faisal Beg, Engineering Science, Simon Fraser
5:05 PM Determining Multimodal Biomarkers for Neurodegenerative Diseases DuBois Bowman, Emory University ; Wenqiong Xue, Emory University
5:25 PM Linking Brain Networks to Behavior with Subsampled Prediction and Stability Metrics Stephen Strother, Rortman Research Institute, Baycrest
5:45 PM Floor Discussion

2013 JSM Online Program Home

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