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Legend: Palais des congrès de Montréal = CC, Le Westin Montréal = W, Intercontinental Montréal = I
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Activity Details

115 * ! Mon, 8/5/2013, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-512g
Recent Developments in Statistical Adjustment for Measurement Error/Misclassification — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology , SSC , Biometrics Section , Korean International Statistical Society
Organizer(s): Yan Ma, Hospital for Special Surgery--Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Chair(s): Jaya M. Satagopan, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
8:35 AM Bias Correction Methods for Misclassified Covariates in the Cox Model: Comparison of Five Correction Methods by Simulation and Data Analysis Heejung Bang, University of California Davis
8:55 AM Measurement Error Correction for Survival Data Analysis with Covariates That Are Functions of Time-Varying Exposure Histories Xiaomei Liao, Harvard School of Public Health ; Donna Spiegelman, Harvard School of Public Health
9:15 AM Varying-Coefficient Deming Regression (VCDR) and Its Application in Bone Densitometry Ying Lu, VA Palo Alto Health Care System & Stanford University ; Chong Gu, Purdue University ; Bo Fan, University of California, San Francisco ; Selwyn Au, VA Palo Alto Health Care System ; John A Shepherd, University of California, San Francisco
9:35 AM Discordance in Estrogen Receptor Status Between Two Primary Breast Cancers: Impact of Misclassification Juxin Liu, University of Saskatchewan ; Paul Gustafson, University of British Columbia ; Dezheng Huo, The University of Chicago
9:55 AM Floor Discussion

2013 JSM Online Program Home

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