Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Sunday, August 4, 2013 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Business and Economic Statistics Section
Abstract - #310487 |
On political independence about statistical agency - Korean example
Jae-Kwang Kim*+
Iowa State University
Official statisitcs ;
Gini Coefficient ;
Consumer Price Index ;
A Korean new press, the Hankyoreh, has recently released a series of new articles about the recent happenning in Statistics Korea. According to Hankyoreh, the agency did not release new Gini official data in the planned date due to pressure from the Blue House, in order to prevent negative effect on the presidential election last year. While there is no direct evidence for the direct pressure from Blue House, there are several evidences that Statistics Korea does not have enough political independence. We will address the political problems in Statistics Korea and discuss ways of improving political independence in the future.
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