Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Monday, August 5, 2013 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract - #310298 |
Nationwide Surveys in Mexico Based on a Mobile Phone Sampling Design
Olivia Carrillo-Gamboa*+
cell phone surveys ;
statistical sample design ;
coverage bias ;
survey research in Mexico ;
electoral polls
The first goal of a statistical sampling design is to reproduce the target population in a "small scale", with a lot fewer sampling units but still holding the populationĀ“s main characteristics. A random sampling approach followed to build a series of nationwide cell-phone surveys in Mexico is described. The resulting characteristics of the samples obtained are presented and contrasted to the actual target population showing the sample's performance in reproducing the right demographic characteristics as well as the population's geographic distribution. Some important practical advantages of cell phone interviews versus other commonly used methodologies are pointed out. It is concluded that, if taking into account some practical considerations, surveys based on mobile phones can be successfully applied in Mexico to attain nationwide research goals, including those strongly depending on the associated geographic distribution of the sample.
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