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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 478
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract - #309803
Title: Strategies for Processing Tabular Data Using the G-Confid Cell Suppression Software
Author(s): Jean-Louis Tambay*+ and Jean-Marc Fillion
Companies: Statistics Canada and Statistics Canada
Keywords: Confidentiality ; Cell suppression

Statistics Canada's G-Confid system uses cell suppression to protect the values of sensitive (confidential) cells in tables of magnitude. It uses a heuristic approach to generate a suppression pattern that minimizes the resulting loss of data. While G-Confid achieves its primary purpose users would like it to handle additional situations such as the treatment of weighted survey data, of negative values and of waivers. Waivers are used when, in an attempt to disseminate more data, a statistical agency obtains from certain large respondents the permission to release information that may disclose their value. Some users would also like to influence the generated suppression patterns, for example to decrease the likelihood of suppressing cells that are of greater interest, or to orient the suppression towards cells of poor quality. After giving an overview of G-Confid, the paper will describe approaches that can be used to address these and other needs. Although the approaches operate within the confines of the G-Confid system they may be implemented within other cell suppression programs.

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