Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Monday, August 5, 2013 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract - #309426 |
Weighting for Dual-Frame Designs Where Nonresponse Differs Between Frames
Olena Kaminska*+ and Peter Lynn
Institute for Social and Economic Research and University of Essex
dual-frame ;
weighting ;
differential nonresponse ;
response propensity ;
landline ;
cell phone
Dual-frame sampling designs gained popularity in recent years mainly due to the need to rely on landline and mobile frames for telephone surveys. In this context some respondents can be reached via landline phone only, some via mobile phone only and some via both. Knowing selection probabilities, one can calculate design weights for such a design. Yet to control for nonresponse, it is common to assume that response propensities are equal for the same person whether s/he was reached via mobile or landline phones. Recent research shows that respondents reached via mobile phone differ from those reached via landline phone within the 'overlap' group suggesting that response propensities of the same person depend on the frame they are selected through. We propose a method which releases the assumption: we calculate the response propensity for the frame that each respondent was selected through, and separately estimate the response propensity if this respondent had been selected through the other frame. We illustrate our findings using a technically similar situation where frames refer to different time points.
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