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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 606
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract - #309402
Title: The Role of Mode Preference Questions in Predicting Mode-Specific Response Propensities
Author(s): Peter Lynn*+ and Olena Kaminska
Companies: University of Essex and Institute for Social and Economic Research
Keywords: mixed modes ; response rate ; response propensity

In the context of mixed-mode surveys, researchers would like to be able to predict the relative propensity of sample members to respond in each mode. Such predictions could then form the basis of mode allocation mechanisms that would increase the effectiveness of mixed mode surveys. To make response propensity predictions it is necessary to have relevant auxiliary data for all sample members. With longitudinal and multi-stage surveys, such data can be collected from the sample members themselves at a previous stage. In particular, it may be possible to directly ask which mode(s) the respondent prefers. We use experimental longitudinal survey data to examine the extent to which the predictive power of models built on socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics can be enhanced by including responses to direct mode preference questions. The predictive power of alternative versions of mode preference questions is compared.

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