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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 249
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, August 5, 2013 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract - #308911
Title: Analysis of Variance as a Basis for Sample Surveys
Author(s): Andrew Vogt*+ and Dhiren Ghosh
Companies: Georgetown Univ and Synectics for Management Decisions, Inc.
Keywords: stratification ; clustering ; regression estimates ; ratio estimates ; between-cluster variance ; within-cluster variance

In sample surveys variance generally decomposes into the sum of two terms: variance among primary units and variance within primary units. If the secondary units are composite, variance within a primary unit can be decomposed into variance among secondary units and variance within secondary units. This can be extended as necessary. This decomposition is the central idea in stratified sampling, cluster sampling, regression and ratio estimation, and ANOVA. It can also be applied to cases where the primary units overlap.

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