Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Wednesday, August 7, 2013 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract - #308791 |
Using Response Time to Investigate Students' Test-Taking Behaviors
Yue Jia*+ and Yi-Hsuan Lee
Educational Testing Service and Educational Testing Service
Response Time ;
Educational Data Mining ;
Survey Assessments ;
Test-taking Behaviors ;
Educational survey assessments have been used for decades to monitor what students know and can do. Such type of assessments is aimed to provide group-level scores for various populations, with little or no consequence to individual students for their test performance. Therefore, the students' test-taking behaviors, particularly the level of test-taking effort, have become a long-standing question. This paper presents a data-mining procedure to examine students' test-taking behaviors using response time collected from a computer-based survey test. An exploratory approach is considered to classify students' responses to test questions as reflecting either solution behavior or rapid-guessing behavior. Results of behavior classification are then summarized by three different statistical measures to show the degree of engagement in solution behavior. Considerations about how to identify response time thresholds and several validity checks to ensure reasonable classification of behaviors are also discussed. The procedure detailed in this paper is applicable to any computer-based assessments or surveys where timing data are available.
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