Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Monday, August 5, 2013 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Biometrics Section
Abstract - #308568 |
Identifying Regulatory Regions in Drosophila
Jennifer Tom*+
UC Berkeley
Bayesian hierarchical model ;
Naive Bayes classifier ;
ChIP-chip ;
Drosophila ;
cis-regulatory modules
The development of a single fertilized egg into an adult fly is governed by gene expression. The timing and location of gene expression is in turn regulated by cis-regulatory modules (CRMs). Identifying these CRMs is key to understanding the process of development. I present a multivariate Bayesian hierarchical model followed by a Naive Bayes classifier to identify potential CRMs relying on ChIP-chip scores from 21 different transcription factors in Drosophila. Fifty potential regulatory regions identified by this classification scheme will be tested by the Berkeley Drosophila Transcription Network Project.
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