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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 294
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Mental Health Statistics Section
Abstract - #308427
Title: Development and Evaluation of Item Banks for Smoking-Related Assessment
Author(s): Maria Edelen and Brian D Stucky*+
Companies: RAND Corporation and RAND Corporation
Keywords: item banks ; IRT ; smoking assessment

Overview. The PROMIS Smoking Initiative has developed a set of six unidimensional item banks for smoking assessment. This paper describes our procedures and results to date including innovative methods that can be applied in future item banking applications. Methods. Using data from a large sample of smokers (N = 5,384), we conducted analyses to arrive at unidimensional sets of items for smoking assessment. We also evaluated performance of short forms and computer adaptive tests (CATs) for each of the six banks. Results. Item banks were developed to assess Nicotine Dependence, Health Risks, Psychosocial Risks, Affective/Hedonic Benefits, Coping Benefits, and Social Benefits of smoking. Item banks range from 15 to 32 items; all are strongly unidimensional, highly reliable (range 0.90 to 0.97), and perform similarly across demographic groups. Short forms and CATs were highly reliable (range 0.77 - 0.92) and efficient (item count range 4 - 9.7). Conclusions. The item banks provide a variety of assessment options, possess excellent psychometric properties and demonstrate promising validity. The psychometric techniques utilized here are applicable to other item banking scenarios.

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