Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Monday, August 5, 2013 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Abstract - #308199 |
Penalized Importance Sampling for Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations for Two Chronic Wasting Disease Epidemics
Libo Sun*+ and Chihoon Lee and Jennifer Hoeting
Colorado State University and Colorado State University and Colorado State University
Penalized importance sampling ;
Stochastic differential equations ;
Maximum likelihood estimation ;
Euler-Maruyama scheme ;
Partially observed discrete sparse data ;
Chronic wasting disease
We consider the problem of estimating parameters of stochastic differential equations with discrete-time observations that are completely or partially observed. The transition density between two observations is generally unknown. We propose a penalized importance sampling approach to approximate the transition density. Simulation studies in three different models illustrate promising improvements of the new penalized importance sampling approach. The new approach is designed for the challenging case when some state variables are unobserved and moreover, observed states are sparse over time, which commonly arises in ecological studies. We apply this new approach to two epidemics of chronic wasting disease in mule deer as a real data illustration.
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