Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Monday, August 5, 2013 : 7:00 AM to 8:15 AM
Section on Statistical Education
Abstract - #308146 |
Discussing 'Connecting Research to Practice in a Culture of Assessment for Introductory College-Level Statistics'
Herle McGowan*+
North Carolina State University
In 2012, a group of statistics education researchers published a report, titled "Connecting Research to Practice in a Culture of Assessment for Introductory College-Level Statistics," which is one in a series of reports on the importance of developing graduate programs and a coherent research base in statistics education. This particular report focuses on the latter, specifically seeking to offer guidance on important research and assessment priorities in the field. During the roundtable, we will discuss this report (including an overview for any participants who are unfamiliar with it) and its implications for both statistics educators and education researchers at all levels of their careers.
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