Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Monday, August 5, 2013 : 12:30 PM to 1:50 PM
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology
Abstract - #307719 |
CANCELLED: Dissemination of Novel Quantitative Methods
Paul Nietert
Medical Univ of South Carolina
bibliometrics ;
dissemination ;
methodology ;
medicine ;
Quantitative methods are being developed continually. Traditional routes of disseminating new techniques typically involve research meeting presentations and journal publications. It is unclear whether these strategies are sufficient for maximizing their impact on real-world problems.
A recent study examining the use of statistical methods in general internal medicine (GIM) found that only 989 of 127,469 GIM articles from 2000--2009 cited a recent biostatistics paper. Some methodologists excel in getting their work accepted, used, and cited by clinical researchers. Anecdotal evidence suggests that dissemination can be enhanced through improved networking with (non-statistical) investigators; having accessible, adaptable, and well-documented computer programs for use in statistical software packages; and topics that address common methodological challenges. In addition, certain biostatistics journals are more likely to be cited by authors of clinical journal articles.
We will explore details of this study and discuss ideas for enhancing the statistical community's ability to disseminate novel methodology and point out ways in which these efforts could be made 'grant-worthy.'
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