Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 : 12:30 PM to 1:50 PM
Quality and Productivity Section
Abstract - #307630 |
Achieving Process Excellence Using Design of Experiments
Daksha Chokshi*+
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
Design of Experiments (DOX/DOE) ;
Screening Designs ;
Interactions ;
Process Parameters ;
Randomization ;
Process Excellence
This roundtable will focus on design of experiments (DOX) fundamentals and how they can be used to understand and improve our processes to achieve process excellence. Learn how effective and efficiently designed experiments significantly reduce the total number of tests, objectively identify key process parameters, provide structured approach for data analysis, make full use of data, explore a wide range of possibilities, and increase the chance of program success. Many work-related case studies and success stories will be discussed. Challenging questions and common misconceptions related to DOX philosophy, methods, and techniques also will be discussed. Attendees will gain an appreciation for how DOX can be applied to develop a better understanding of any type of process and enhance the resultant products and services to delight our customers and achieve bottom-line benefits.
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