Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Section on Statistical Graphics
Abstract - #307402 |
Visualizing Census Tables
Richard M. Heiberger*+ and Naomi B. Robbins and Edward J. Mulrow
Temple University and NBR and NORC at the University of Chicago
cross-classification ;
visualization ;
Census Bureau
Traditionally, Census data is presented through cross-tabulated data displays. By some estimates, Census data have been broken down into approximately 3 billion cross-classification cells. These displays contain a lot of useful information, but do not allow one to easily find relationships in the data. In response to the Census Bureau's request for help with visualizing data, we discuss ways we recommend changing these tables to graphics. We illustrate how good graphical displays can bring out hidden features in the tabulations. In many situations, more than one graphic is viable and we discuss how the analyst's goals influence the choice.
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