Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security
Abstract - #307369 |
Statistical Engineering Case Studies for Weapon System Reliability
Joseph Davis Warfield*+
Johns Hopkins University
Reliability ;
Sampling ;
Test and Evaluation
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) is designated as the independent evaluator for a variety of systems. Through the role of independent evaluator, JHU/APL is heavily involved in the testing and evaluation of strategic weapon systems during the system's life cycle. Statistical engineering plays an important role in determining the correct quantity and mix of testing to ensure confidence in the performance of the weapon system. Statistical concepts, methods, and tools are employed to determine tests and test quantities, sampling plans, and assess and monitor performance at the system, subsystem and component level. In this presentation, three case studies of the Trident II weapon system are used to illustrate statistical engineering in practice. The first two case studies focus on component level test and evaluation, while the third focuses on test and evaluation methods at the system level.
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