Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Abstract - #307279 |
Spline Models for the Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Count Data
Jon Wakefield*+ and Cici Bauer
University of Washington and Brown
Spatio-Time Modeling ;
Gaussian Markov Random Field ;
Smoothing Priors ;
Infectious Diseases
In this talk I will describe a model for the analysis of infectious disease data collected over time and aggregated over a set of areal units. The aim of the analysis of such data is often the prediction of future disease counts in areas over the study region. The model combines a Poisson model with B-splines and Gaussian Markov random field prior distributions to carry out spatio-temporal smoothing. The motivating data consist of counts of hand, foot and mouth disease collected in China over 2009-2010. In addition to the counts, a small number of cases in each area provided strain-specific information. An extension of the model will be described that reconstructs strain information on all cases, again smoothing over time and space.
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