Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Section on Statistical Graphics
Abstract - #307265 |
The Statistical Atlas of the 1870 Census and Other Early Census Visualization
Howard R. Hogan*+
Census Bureau
visualization ;
computer graphics ;
The first map produced for the US census was drawn using results from 1860. A decade later the census office produced its monumental Statistical Atlas. The publication of the Statistical Atlas in 1874 was a watershed moment for statistics in the United States. It provided a quick and easy way to interpret comparative statistics on a national level. This was followed by another outstanding atlas for the 1890 censuses. It was one of the most successful statistical publications ever, as measured by its influence on policy makers. Then smaller and smaller efforts were made until publication was stopped for the 1930 census. Census work on serious statistical graphic was revived in the 1970s, only to fade away again until the most recent effort. This paper traces this history and discusses some reasons that lay behind the rises and the fall of statistical visualization at the US census.
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