Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Sunday, August 4, 2013 : 4:00 PM to 5:50 PM
Section on Statistical Computing
Abstract - #307159 |
Programming with Big Data in R
George Ostrouchov*+ and Wei-Chen Chen and Drew Schmidt and Pragneshkumar Patel
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee and University of Tennessee
Big Data ;
Parallel ;
Current practice in R focuses mostly on multicore desktop platforms and on small clusters with a manager/workers parallel programming style. Much of this focus comes from R's emphasis on interactive data analysis, which is also one of R's great strengths and a source of its popularity. The High Performance Computing (HPC) community, on the other hand, has a focus on batch processing and a Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) parallel programming style. We take note of this and conduct research to enable SPMD style programming in R for truly big data distributed across a large computing platform. Resulting R syntax is largely unchanged from serial programming and distributed parallel support is provided through S4 classes and methods (see packages at r-pbd.org). We tightly couple R with highly scalable SPMD HPC libraries (PBLAS, ScaLAPACK, and the BLACS). This work is also compelling from an HPC viewpoint, where R is viewed as a high-level domain specific language for data and where interest lies in high-level management of multiple levels of parallelism. Two levels of parallelism are available in R when SPMD libraries and multithreaded libraries, such as MKL or ACML, are combined.
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