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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 60
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Sunday, July 29, 2012 : 4:00 PM to 5:50 PM
Sponsor: Section on Nonparametric Statistics
Abstract - #304554
Title: Quantile Regression Analysis of Length-Biased Survival Data
Author(s): Huixia Judy Wang*+ and Lan Wang
Companies: North Carolina State University and University of Minnesota
Address: 2311 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, , USA
Keywords: censored quantile regression ; length-biased data ; Kaplan-Meier estimator ; kernel ; survival time

Analysis of length-biased time-to-event data, which commonly arise in epidemiological cohort studies and cross-sectional surveys, has attracted considerable attention recently. Ignoring length-biased sampling often leads to severe bias in estimating the survival time in the general population. Existing work either completely ignore the covariate e ffects or use hazard or accelerated failure time regressions, which restrict the covariates to a ffect only the location of the transformed survival distribution. We propose a flexible quantile regression framework for analyzing the covariate effects on the population survival time under both length-biased sampling and random right censoring. This framework allows for easy interpretation of the statistical model. Furthermore, it allows the covariates to have di fferent impacts at di fferent tails of the survival distribution and thus is able to capture important population heterogeneity. Using an unbiased estimating equation approach, we develop two estimators, one for covariate-independent censoring and the other for covariate-dependent censoring. We establish the consistency and asymptotic normality theory for both estimators.

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