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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 323
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: SSC
Abstract - #304545
Title: Composite Likelihood Approach for the Analysis of Exchange Rates
Author(s): Peiming Wang*+ and Jiahua Chen
Companies: Auckland University of Technology and SSC
Address: AUT City Campus, Auckland, _, 1142, New Zealand
Keywords: Composite likelihood ; EM-algorithm ; Foreign exchange rate ; Markov regime-switching ; Finite mixture model

This paper proposes a composite likelihood approach as an alternative to the full likelihood approach for the two-state Markov regime-switching model proposed by Engel and Hamilton (1990) for exchange rate time series. The proposed method is based on the joint density of pairs of consecutive observations, and its asymptotic properties are discussed. A simulation study indicates that the proposed method is more efficient and has better in-sample performance. An analysis of the USD/GBP exchange rate shows that the proposed method is more robust for inference about changes in the exchange-rate regime and better than the full likelihood method in terms of both in-sample and out-of-sample performance.

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