JSM 2011 Online Program

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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 355
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistics and Marketing
Abstract - #301149
Title: Optimization of Taxi Site Configuration Based on Historical Statistic Demand and Forecasting Trip Amount
Author(s): Wei Zhao*+ and Xinxin Bai and Jinyan Shao and Ming Xie and Wenjun Yin and Jin Dong
Companies: IBM Research China and IBM Research China and IBM Research China and IBM Research China and IBM Research China and IBM Research China
Address: Diamond Building, Zhongguancun Software Park #19, , Beijing, International, 100193, China
Keywords: Optimization of taxi site configuration ; historical statistic demand ; forecasting trip amount ; constrained optimization ; penalty function

A novel approach to optimize the taxi site configuration based on historical statistic demand and forecasting trip amount is presented. Considering the limitation of resources, we combine the optimization for configuration of single taxi site with global planning of site configuration in a whole city. The problem for configuration of single taxi site is modeled as constrained optimization problem, which can be solved by combination of penalty function and one-dimensional search methods based on the historical statistic data of its net taxi demand. The global planning of site configuration in a whole city is conducted by imputation method based on two types of data for each site, including surrounding traffic information and forecasting data of surrounding citizens' trip amount by taxi. Finally, an example with results is given to show the effectiveness of our approach.

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