Program > Proceedings

Thank you for attending the 2011 Joint Statistical Meetings last August in Miami Beach, Florida. Included in your registration fee was access to the 2011 JSM Proceedings. The proceedings are now complete and available online.

ASA Members: Please log in to ASA Members Only. Once logged in, in the top menu bar, select My Resources & Opportunities, followed by Online Archives, and then JSM 2011 Proceedings.

All Other Attendees: You should have received an instructional email from our hosting partner, Cadmium, pointing you to a URL and giving you an access code needed to view the proceedings. If you do not receive such an email, contact Val Nirala.

If you prefer a CD-ROM of the proceedings, please click here to request that a copy be mailed to you.

Referencing Your Proceedings Paper

Following is a sample of the standard format for referencing your paper:

Freund, R. J. 2011. An example of prediction with regression: a comparison of methods. In JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, pp. 1121-1129.

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