This is the program for the 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Abstract Details

Activity Number: 9
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Sunday, August 1, 2010 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Section on Survey Research Methods
Abstract - #309478
Title: Diagnosing Imputation Models by Applying Target Analyses Under Posterior Replications of Observed Data
Author(s): Yulei He and Alan Zaslavsky*+
Companies: Harvard Medical School and Harvard Medical School
Address: 180 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA, 02115,

Multiple imputation fills in missing data with posterior predictive draws from imputation models. To assess the adequacy of imputation models, we can compare completed data to their replicates simulated under the imputation model. We apply analyses of substantive interest to both datasets, and use posterior predictive checks of the differences of these estimates to quantify the evidence of model inadequacy. We can further integrate out the imputed missing data and their replicates over the completed-data analyses to reduce variance in the comparison. In many cases, the checking procedure can be easily implemented using standard imputation software by treating re-imputations under the model as posterior predictive replicates. Thus it can be applied for non-Bayesian imputation methods. We sketch several strategies for applying the method in the context of practical imputation analyses.

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