JSM 2004 - Toronto

Abstract #302045

This is the preliminary program for the 2004 Joint Statistical Meetings in Toronto, Canada. Currently included in this program is the "technical" program, schedule of invited, topic contributed, regular contributed and poster sessions; Continuing Education courses (August 7-10, 2004); and Committee and Business Meetings. This on-line program will be updated frequently to reflect the most current revisions.

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Activity Number: 273
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Biometrics Section
Abstract - #302045
Title: Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Nonmonotone, Nonignorable Missing Data
Author(s): Lin Wang*+ and Mari Palta and Jun Shao
Companies: University of Wisconsin, Madison and University of Wisconsin, Madison and University of Wisconsin
Address: 7102 Longmeadow Rd., Madison, WI, 53717,
Keywords: longitudinal ; missing data ; IPW

Nonmonotone missing outcomes present a difficult problem for longitudinal data analysis. When the missing probability depends on outcomes at previous time points, those outcomes could also be missing, and hence the missingness is nonignorable. Selection model approaches leading to weighted analyses have been proposed. Some of these exclude observations to make missingness monotone or assign individual level weights to subjects with complete observations only. We show that such methods can be quite inefficient. We extend Robins' method (1997), to the longitudinal case and apply separate inverse probability weights to each observation within an individual. We then use GEE with independent working correlation structure to obtain estimates. We also consider application of a regression-based, pattern mixture approach, where the regression parameters are estimated from a conditional mean function without specification of the missing mechanism.

  • The address information is for the authors that have a + after their name.
  • Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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JSM 2004 For information, contact jsm@amstat.org or phone (888) 231-3473. If you have questions about the Continuing Education program, please contact the Education Department.
Revised March 2004