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  300283  By:  Peter  Lenk 2:35 PM 08/12/2002
Incorporating Brand Familiarities, Perceptions and Preferences in Market Structure Analysis

  300624  By:  Bo  Lu 10:35 AM 08/14/2002
Matching with Doses in an Observational Study of a Media Campaign Against Drug Abuse

  301243  By:  Amy T. Umbach 9:20 AM 08/12/2002
Bayesian Imputation Methods to Measure Quality of Life with Missing Data

  301297  By:  Inna T. Perevozskaya 4:50 PM 08/11/2002
Optimal Design for the Proportional Odds Model

  301462  By:  Earl C. Lawrence 2:05 PM 08/11/2002
Bayesian Inference for Multivariate Ordinal and Binary Data

  301811  By:  Knut M. Wittkowski 3:20 PM 08/11/2002
Assessing Overall Benefit--Technological Changes Allow for More Comprehensive Evaluation

  301826  By:  Binitha R. Kunnel 08/13/2002
Poster # 09   Comparison of Regression Models for Ordinal Outcome Data

JSM 2002

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If you have questions about the Continuing Education program, please contact the Education Department.

Revised March 2002