Sponsoring Sections and Societies
- ASA, Joint Program Committee Chair, G. David Williamson
- ENAR, Estelle Russek-Cohen
- WNAR, Javier Rojo
- IMS, Roger Berger
- SSC, Louis-Paul Rivest
- Council of Chapters, James R. Kenyon
- General Methodology, W. Scott Clark, Lance Waller
- Sec on Bayesian Stat. Sciences, Wesley O. Johnson
- Biometrics Section, Philip Dixon
- Biopharmaceutical Section, Robert D. Small
- Bus. & Economics Stat Section, Sastry G. Pantula
- Section on Stat. Computing, J. Steve Marron
- Section on Stat. Consulting, Ronald L. Wasserstein
- Section on Stat. Education, Thomas H. Short
- Section on Stat. & the Environment, Katherine B. Ensor
- Section on Stat. in Epidemiology, Ramon A. Durazo-Arvizu
- Section on Government Stat., John L. Czajka
- Section on Stat. Graphics, Daniel Carr
- Section on Health Policy Stats, Ralph B. D’Agostino, Jr
- Section on Stats. and Marketing, Gerry Ramage
- Section on Physical & Engineering Sci., Robert N. Rodriguez
- Section on Quality & Productivity, Jose G. Ramirez
- Section on Risk Analysis, Vincent C. Arena
- Social Stat. Section, Elizabeth Stasny
- Section on Stat. In Sports, Bob Umholtz
- Section on Survey Research Methods, John L. Eltinge
- Section on Teaching in the Hlth Sci., Robert A. Oster
- Section on Nonparametrics Statistics, David Scott
JSM 2000