P3 - Analysis of Policy-Induced Therapy Change among Patients on Olanzapine Using Florida (FL) Medicaid Claims Database
Daniel E Ball, Eli Lilly and Company
Rym Ben-Hamadi, Analysis Group, Inc.
Howard Birnbaum, Analysis Group, Inc.
Yohanne Kidolezi, Analysis Group, Inc
*Anthony Howard Lawson, Eli Lilly and Company
Glenn A Phillips, Eli Lilly and Company
Andrew Yu, Analysis Group, Inc
Keywords: Antipsychotic, Medicaid, Health Policy, Formularies
On 7/11/05, olanzapine was moved to non-preferred status in Florida Medicaid. Physicians had 60 days to transition existing users to a different medication. The policy was rescinded on 9/9/05. We investigated how the policy impacted 9522 FL Medicaid olanzapine users as of 7/11/05, compared to an identically selected control cohort (n=13948) using a pseudo-policy date of 7/11/04. Within 60 days of 7/11/05, 29% of patients discontinued olanzapine & an added 30% switched to another antipsychotic, compared to 22% & 5% respectively in 2004 (both p<.001). Compared to 2004 controls, 2005 switchers were less compliant to the drug switched to & experienced higher risk of hospitalization (36%) & ER use (28%) versus baseline (p<.001). No change was observed among 2004 switchers. Disruptions in continuity of antipsychotic therapy & increased hospital episodes were associated with the policy change.