Key Dates
  • June 27, 2005
    Submission of Contributed
    Abstracts opens.
  • August 22, 2005
    Registration Opens
  • September 7, 2005
    Contributed Abstract Submission
  • September 27, 2005
    Housing Closes
  • October 17, 2005
    Registration Closes

Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers

Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers
64 Arlington Street,
Boston, MA 02116-3912



The 2005 conference theme is "Methodological Issues in Health Services and Outcomes Research". The rapid growth in health services and outcomes research has created a major need for transferring existing statistical methodology and developing new methods to address problems specific to multidisciplinary research. This conference is the sixth in a series. The sessions will examine a broad range of topics related to causal inference, the congruence of results obtained from different studies with different designs, and the combination of data from different sources. It aims to provide a forum for discussion of research needs and proposed solutions to statistical/methodological problems with a series of invited speakers and workshops. The conference is typically attended by a few hundred participants and is characterized by an intimate culture.

The conference brochure is available as a PDF file.

Final Program Book

Attendee Evaluation Form


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ICHPR Registration · (888) 231-3473 · ichpr@amstat.orgHPSS 2005