Scoring Systems for Person Reported Outcome Measurements
View Presentation *Laura Lee Johnson, NIH Keywords: patient reported outcomes, item response theory, scoring, symptoms Patient, Clinician, and Observer Reported Outcomes all need intensive development. However, for some instruments complicated work up front is left behind when scoring systems, meaningful differences and responder definitions are discussed. Too often responses for items or the number of symptoms are simply added together to come up with a total score, ignoring the associations among the individual items and symptoms. This can be exacerbated when evaluating group and individual level responder analyses. Several modern methods use a variety of statistical methods to develop scoring systems. These will be discussed in addition to issues that can arise with single item instruments.
Key Dates
April 30 - May 22, 2013
Invited Abstract Submission Open -
June 4, 2013
Online Registration Opens -
August 9 - August 23, 2013
Invited Abstract Editing -
August 23, 2013
Short Course materials due from Instructors -
August 26, 2013
Housing Deadline -
September 9, 2013
Cancellation Deadline and Registration Closes @ 11:59 pm EDT -
September 16 - September 18, 2013
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC