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Wednesday, February 2
Wed, Feb 2, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Poster Session 1

WITHDRAWN: Greater Birmingham-Area Targets for Climate and Transit Justice-Oriented Bus Service Improvements: These Targets Tend to Centralize and Intensify at Numerous City Centers (305360)

Robert L Norton, 

Keywords: public transit, public data, local, greenspace, climate change

We set out to identify locations to suggest for upgrades of public transit systems in The Greater Birmingham Area of Alabama, to inform local people about local climates in the context of transit justice and public transit, using public data. We found, by regression analysis and using The Lowest Squares Method, that areas in City Centers in Greater Birmingham have low Greenspace percentages to compensate high levels of Carbon Sequestration and Carbon Storage within the same area. The Birmingham Airport (BHX) has also got increased rates of carbon activity when compared to percent greenspace. We hope this type of analysis can be widely used by local scientists to effectively relay climate science to local populations, and allow local people accessibility to local issues of climate science and transit justice. Expanding public transit thus, into new areas appears well suited towards reducing our local impacts in climate change, social injustices of transit, and local pollution. Most people have difficulty recalling probability information accurately, so we offer mapped data and plain language to deliver accessibility for all people.