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Wednesday, February 2
Wed, Feb 2, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Poster Session 1

Friday Fun Days: Hands-On Experience and Peer Mentoring in a Master's-Level Consulting Course (305310)

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*Emily Anna Robinson, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 

Keywords: collaboration, consulting, statistical collaboration laboratories, teaching, mentoring

As part of the master's level statistical consulting course at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, the four Ph.D. student consultants working at the Statistical Cross-Disciplinary Consulting and Collaboration Lab (SC3L) lead hands-on activities during 'Friday Fun Days' (with treats!). These class periods are created to break out of a typical lecture style course and expose students to the types of projects and situations that arise in statistical consulting and to build key skill sets that are beneficial for managing data, visualizing data, and guiding discussions with clients. In addition to leading 'Friday Fun Days', the Ph.D. consultants mentor the master's students as they shadow meetings and are given the opportunity to lead their own initial meetings with the supervision of the Ph.D. consultant. This poster will feature the unique integration between the Ph.D. consultants and their involvement in mentoring master's level consultants. The poster will also highlight select activities from 'Friday Fun Days', which will bring new ideas for mentoring and training new statistical consultants for CSP attendees.