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Wednesday, February 2
Wed, Feb 2, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Communication in the Workplace

It Was a Pleasure to P-Value (305300)

*Ben Joseph Barnard, Wells Fargo 

Keywords: p-value, hypothesis, significance

You walk into a meeting with senior leadership and they are listening to the presenter about an analysis the presenter performed. One of the leaders asks, "Is that statistically significant?" Immediately you wonder if there was a power analysis. The presenter says, "Absolutely, at the 0.05 level we were statistically significant. We had 100,000 participants." Hand to your head you begin brainstorming how to educate the leadership and analysts on use of significance testing, test design, and tying the hypothesis to practical significance. We discuss the tools we use to educate leadership and how we design significance tests to have value to the business problem.