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Thursday, February 3
Thu, Feb 3, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
At the Intersection of Statistics and Software

Simplified Programming Syntax: The DTwrappers Package for R (304247)

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*David Shilane, Columbia University 

Keywords: statistical computing, R, data analysis, computer programming

Learning statistical programming entails the dual challenges of understanding new data sets and constructing the proper coding syntax. R packages such as dplyr and data.table have enabled a wide range of calculations and ways to restructure data. The learning curve for each package requires becoming acquainted with their specialized operators, order of steps, and methods. The DTwrappers package was constructed to simplify the syntax of data analysis. All of its methods are presented as simple functions with no specialized operators. This is beneficial for new programmers and those with experience in other languages. The steps of the analysis can be entered in any order.

DTwrappers includes a wide range of methods, such as filtering, grouping, adding or removing variables, sorting data, counting rows, selecting subsets, and performing calculations, The package is built as a wrapper to data.table’s methods, retaining its computational efficiency. Translations to data.table’s code are also provided as an educational tool to show working examples of its syntax. As a result, students can work with a more simplified programming syntax to learn coding and data analysis.