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Thursday, February 18
Thu, Feb 18, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Career Paths: Student to Professional to Leader

Learning in Transition to the Workplace: Perspectives from the Statistical Community (304149)

*Layla Guyot, University of Texas at Austin 

Keywords: career, practices, learning, mentoring

While in transition to the workplace, statisticians keep learning to develop practices in communication, collaboration, or data management for example. Members of the statistical community were recruited at conferences around the world and explored their inner perspectives on the role of statisticians. In addition, a selection of junior statisticians and mentors who accompanied them in the transition were interviewed to uncover how learning practices occurred. Participants recognized important statistical practices and elements that facilitated the transition to the workplace. During the presentation, attendees will engage in an activity to reflect on their own experiences and compare their perspectives to the findings of this study. Students and junior statisticians as well as mentors in academia and at the workplace will benefit from the presentation by learning how to overcome the challenges involved in the transition and by discussing recommendations. Implications of this study advocate for how to provide support during the transition between education and profession for future statisticians.