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Saturday, February 22
Sat, Feb 22, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Regency EF
Poster Session 3 and Continental Breakfast

Turning Survey Data into Information and Infographics (304087)

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*Diane M Hindmarsh, NSW Bureau of Health Information 

Keywords: survey, patient experience, teamwork, collaboration

Sample surveys produce a huge volume of information. The challenge is to present statistically valid information from sample surveys in ways that are meaningful to different audiences. Each month NSW Bureau of Health Information (BHI) asks thousands of people in NSW to tell us about their recent experience with the NSW public healthcare system as a part of the NSW Patient Survey Program. Responses are assessed for quality, collated, weighted and analysed using appropriate survey methodology, but that only the beginning of the process. The resultant huge volume of output is ‘data’ but not information. Most of our surveys contain over 80 questions, and provide results for 40 to 80 individual hospitals. Rather than overwhelm audiences with such large volumes of data, BHI transforms the results into infographics, data tables, interactive data presentations and snapshot reports to ensure that the information is presented appropriately to the myriad of audiences. This e-poster will explain the process and the teamwork that makes it all happen, and highlight the ‘best of’ products that result.