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Saturday, February 22
Sat, Feb 22, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Regency EF
Poster Session 3 and Continental Breakfast

Statistical Consulting and Collaboration at UNL: Past, Present, and Future (304042)

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*Kelsey Nicole Karnik, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 

Keywords: Collaboration, consulting, statistical collaboration laboratories, teaching, mentoring

At UNL, our consulting center (the SC3L: Statistical Cross-disciplinary Collaboration and Consulting Lab) and our introductory consulting class have grown considerably in the last 5 years. Previously the lab was run only by master’s level students who received experience assisting in analyzing data and discussing results with subject matter researchers on a very simple and basic level. Not much was gained from the course, and long-lasting and helpful collaborative relationships were not created with the researchers. Over the last several years, clearer and more concise procedures have been implemented in order to grow our client base, enhance the level of assistance offered, and provide a better learning environment for the consulting class. Currently, we are working on reconfiguring and enhancing our collaboration practices within the bounds of departmental and university constraints. These new and updated practices will enable us to provide optimal service to both our University collaborators and to our own Statistics students.